Language on Demand, Inc

ESG Management Policy


As a leading provider of language service solutions to global customers, Language on Demand, Inc. has established an ESG Management Policy that focuses on three key elements: Environment, Social, and Governance, in order to be a sustainable and socially responsible company. This policy will be continuously improved to ensure that we pursue sustainable growth through environmental protection, social responsibility fulfillment, and ethical management, and to positively impact all of our stakeholders.


Language on Demand, Inc. follows the following policies to minimize its environmental impact and establish a sustainable business model.

Improving Energy Efficiency
We adopt applicable energy efficiency technologies to minimize energy consumption in offices and operating facilities and adopt environmentally friendly operating procedures.

  • Our office is set to automatically turn off the lights after a certain period of time when not in use, which helps reduce unnecessary electricity consumption.
  • We minimize the use of paper by providing digital translation and language solutions and ensure that all services are delivered electronically wherever possible.

Waste Management
We reduce unnecessary waste of resources and recycle recyclable resources as much as possible to reduce our environmental impact.

  • We encourage our employees to avoid using disposable items and encourage the reuse of used paper, use of recycled paper or products.

Reducing Carbon Emissions
We established policies to reduce carbon emissions from mobile activities, such as employee commuting and business travel, and offsetting carbon emissions through carbon offset programs.

  • We minimize the carbon emissions used for commuting by working from home on as needed basis.


Language on Demand, Inc. is socially responsible and acts fairly and transparently in its relationships with all stakeholders. To create social value, we implement the following policies.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We ensure that all employees have fair opportunities; recruiting and promoting diverse talent regardless of gender, race, or ethnic background; and fostering an inclusive corporate culture.

Employee Well-being
We prioritize the health and safety of our employees and actively support their efforts to develop personally. In addition, we encourage the wellness of individual employees and their families by fostering flexible work environments and free of hazardous substances.

Community Engagement
We have been volunteering in various fields, including education, health, and environmental protection, to contribute to the local community.

Customer and Partner Relationships
We consider providing high-quality services and solutions to our customers to be our basic principle and core value, and we maintain transparent and reliable communication in all business relationships.


Language on Demand, Inc. is committed to ethical and transparent management, enhancing our credibility and pursuing sustainable growth. To this end, we have established the following corporate governance policies.

Ethical Management
We adhere to high ethical standards in all business activities and ensure anti-corruption and fair trade. All Company policies are implemented on a transparent and fair basis.

Management Responsibilities
Our management team takes the importance and necessity of ESG seriously. As such, we set regular meeting agendas to present the direction that the entire organization can aim for and actively plan and share specific strategies.

Risk Management
We adopt regular assessment and management procedures to thoroughly manage corporate and ESG-related risks.

  • We conduct regular third-party audits to ensure compliance with and maintenance of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015.
  • All employees receive regular cybersecurity training to protect customers’ sensitive information.

Regular Reporting
We always share progress and needs for achieving ESG goals transparently and continuously seek ways to improve. This includes having ESG as a regular agenda at the quarterly Management meetings.

  • We maintain transparent management by sharing challenges, goals, profits and expenses through the annual financial reporting in which all employees participate.

Language on Demand, Inc. is committed to environmental responsibility, social responsibility, ethical business practices, and the pursuit of sustainable growth. While our primary goal is the success of our customers, we will continue to work toward our ESG goals and fulfill our responsibility to leave a better world for future generations. This ESG management policy reflects our values and philosophy and will continue to be improved.